If I told you that I have something boring to share with you, would you be excited? NO! This is FUN - Fitness is fun! Taking care of yourself is FUN! And movement is life.
Do you like getting up at 4 am? If not, why would you? Fitness and self-care have to fit your life - not the other way around. Every step is the journey is filled with easy to understand, practical solutions that fit your evolving lifestyle.
So many programs take the "beat yourself" approach. You won't find that here. Working harder when it's not safe to do is just stupid. Our motto: No pain = no pain. 🙂
Having trouble getting out to see the world? Maybe you’re not in shape enough, maybe there’s not enough time..
Join us on an upcoming virtual adventure and track your fitness progress!
Training for a specific goal is THE BEST and MOST EFFECTIVE way to change your fitness habits for a lifetime. You progress, rather than stop. You stay engaged and excited! And your progress is measured in miles, not in pounds on the scale.
What’s the skinny? We got some hot tea to spill. Grab your favorite cozy blanket and take a minute or two to read the latest.